Middle-market private equity

Investment Expert is one of the largest and most experienced global private equity investors

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Founded in 2017, Investment Expert is one of the largest and most experienced global private equity firms. We have established a team investment professionals, focused on buyouts and growth equity investments.

Pixel Perk Ventures is a dynamic international finance company headquartered in Finland, specializing in a broad range of investment activities, including stock trading, financial markets, and digital currency assets. Founded in 2017, the company operates in compliance with the regulatory framework established by Finnish business authorities.

Middle-market private equity

12 Offices in 11 Countries

$2.4 B


We invest in five corere industry sectors where we have substantial experience and deep local and international knowle Business & Financial Services; Heahcare; Indtustrial; Retail, Consumer & Leisure; Technology, Media & Telecom.

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We invest in five corere industry sectors where we have substantial experience and deep local and international knowle Business & Financial Services; Heahcare; Indtustrial; Retail, Consumer & Leisure; Technology, Media & Telecom.

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We invest in five corere industry sectors where we have substantial experience and deep local and international knowle Business & Financial Services; Heahcare; Indtustrial; Retail, Consumer & Leisure; Technology, Media & Telecom.

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Information tehnology

We invest in five corere industry sectors where we have substantial experience and deep local and international knowle Business & Financial Services; Heahcare; Indtustrial; Retail, Consumer & Leisure; Technology, Media & Telecom.

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We invest in five corere industry sectors where we have substantial experience and deep local and international knowle Business & Financial Services; Heahcare; Indtustrial; Retail, Consumer & Leisure; Technology, Media & Telecom.

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Digital Currency Assets

Digital Currency Assets

Industrial, Information tehnology

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Gold and Precious Metals Trading

Gold and Precious Metals Trading

Energy, Financials, Industrial, Materials

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Loan Financing

Loan Financing

Financials, Industrial

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Plastic Recycling Investments

Plastic Recycling Investments

Energy, Financials, Industrial, Materials

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Value Orientation

We employ a long-established strategy of sector-focused investing across all of our markets.

We have invested $2.4 billion in 150 transactions across 11 countries”

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